
AnyCable-Go Pro aims to bring AnyCable to the next level of efficient resources usage and developer experience happiness.

Read also AnyCable Goes Pro: Fast WebSockets for Ruby, at scale.

Memory usage

Pro version uses a different memory model under the hood, which gives you yet another 30-50% RAM usage reduction.

Here is the results of running websocket-bench broadcast and connect benchmarks and measuring RAM used:

version broadcast 5k connect 10k connect 15k
1.3.0-pro 142MB 280MB 351MB
1.3.0-pro (w/o poll)* 207MB 343MB 480MB
1.3.0 217MB 430MB 613MB

* AnyCable-Go Pro uses epoll/kqueue to react on incoming messages by default. In most cases, that should work the same way as with non-Pro version; however, if you have a really high rate of incoming messages, you might want to fallback to the actor-per-connection model (you can do this by specifying --netpoll_enabled=false).

NOTE: Currently, using net polling is not compatible with WebSocket per-message compression (it's disabled even if you enabled it explicitly).

More features


Read our installation guide.