Render Deployment
Original version of this guide could be found in the PR: anycable/
The easiest way to deploy AnyCable + Rails apps to is by having three services:
- Rails app -- Web Service (public) -- Ruby environment
- Same rails app running gRPC - Private Service -- Ruby environment
- AnyCable-Go server -- Web Service (public) -- Docker environment
It's likely doable to combine the two Rails app instances (public and grpc) into a single server, but I'll leave that exercise to the reader.
- You've followed the standard Rails setup and run the excellent installer script (see Getting started with Rails).
- You are using a custom domain and have DNS control, so you can create a subdomain.
- You are using Devise/Warden for authentication in your Rails app (if you're using something else, I'll leave it to you to figure out what is needed to make AnyCable work with your auth scheme.)
- You are using
for sessions.
Rails Web Service
We're going to call our Rails app "xylophone" for the remainder of this guide.
Provision the normal public Rails app web service as you usually would on Render. I'm also assuming you've provisioned a Redis server; remember the REDIS_URL
because we'll need it later.
We're going to assume you set up your custom domain under Settings (e.g.
gRPC Private Service
The gRPC app is just going to be your same Rails app again, but this time running on a private service, communicating internally with your AnyCable service.
We're going to provision it with the name xylophone-grpc
Under Environment, you will likely want to set the following:
(same as on your public app service)REDIS_URL
(same as on your public app service)
Under Settings, set the following:
- Build Command:
bundle install
- Start Command:
bundle exec anycable --rpc-host
Once your grpc app service is provisioned, it should provide an internal service name like xylophone-grpc:50051
... remember this because you'll need it later.
AnyCable-Go Web Service
AnyCable is going to be deployed as a simple Docker application on Render. The easiest way to do this is create a anycable-go
directory on your local machine that literally only has a Dockerfile
in it.
FROM anycable/anycable-go:1.2
Now push that directory to a git repo so Render will be able to connect to it.
Back to Render dashboard, click New+ and create a Web Service
(it's going to be publicly available because this is the server that your clients' browser will hit up with websocket requests.) Make sure to connect to your new anycable-go repo with the Dockerfile. Render should auto-detect that it's a Docker app and build it for you. You'll need some settings though...
Render Settings
Under Environment:
- set
- set
(the internal service name from before) - set
to the same redis url for your other services (e.g.redis://red-abc123abc123abc123:6379
Under Settings:
You shouldn't really need to change much here. Just make sure you've set up your custom domain with a reasonable subdomain, e.g.
Wiring some things together
Now that you've got all three services running, you need to go back to the public Rails web service and tell it what ActionCable URL to give to clients.
This assumes that your production.rb
has something like this:
config.after_initialize do
config.action_cable.url = ENV.fetch("CABLE_URL", "/cable") if AnyCable::Rails.enabled?
If so, all you need to do on Render is change the Rails app Environment variables again:
- Set
to your new anycable service (e.g.wss://
(Don't forget the /cable at the end!)
With that, your services should now all be able to talk to each other. However, you may run into some issues:
If you haven't already, make sure you've setup cable.yml
properly for production:
adapter: any_cable
redis-session-store config
If, like me, you're using the redis-session-store
gem for session handling, you may need to tweak the config some...
key: "_session_#{Rails.env}",
serializer: :json,
domain: :all, # <-- THIS IS IMPORTANT
redis: {
expire_after: 1.year,
ttl: 1.year,
key_prefix: "xylophone:session:",
⚠️ Note the change to domain: :all
. This ensures that your clients' session cookie key can be shared between your primary domain (
) and your websocket subdomain (
See also Authentication.