Binary messaging formats
AnyCable Pro allows you to use Msgpack or Protobufs instead of JSON to serialize incoming and outgoing data. Using binary formats bring the following benefits: faster (de)serialization and less data passing through network (see comparisons below).
In order to initiate Msgpack-encoded connection, a client MUST use "actioncable-v1-msgpack"
or "actioncable-v1-ext-msgpack"
subprotocol during the connection.
A client MUST encode outgoing and incoming messages using Msgpack.
Using Msgpack with AnyCable JS client
AnyCable JavaScript client supports Msgpack out-of-the-box:
// cable.js
import { createCable } from '@anycable/web'
import { MsgpackEncoder } from '@anycable/msgpack-encoder'
export default createCable({protocol: 'actioncable-v1-msgpack', encoder: new MsgpackEncoder()})
// or for the extended Action Cable protocol
// export default createCable({protocol: 'actioncable-v1-ext-msgpack', encoder: new MsgpackEncoder()})
Action Cable JavaScript client patch
Here is how you can patch the built-in Action Cable JavaScript client library to support Msgpack:
import { createConsumer, logger, adapters, INTERNAL } from "@rails/actioncable";
// Make sure you added msgpack library to your frontend bundle:
// yarn add @ygoe/msgpack
import msgpack from "@ygoe/msgpack";
let consumer;
// This is an application specific function to create an Action Cable consumer.
// Use it everywhere you need to connect to Action Cable.
export const createCable = () => {
if (!consumer) {
consumer = createConsumer();
// Extend the connection object (see extensions code below)
Object.assign(consumer.connection, connectionExtension);
Object.assign(, connectionEventsExtension);
return consumer;
// Msgpack support
// Patches this file:
// Replace JSON protocol with msgpack
const supportedProtocols = [
const protocols = supportedProtocols
const { message_types } = INTERNAL
const connectionExtension = {
// We have to override the `open` function, since we MUST provide custom WS sub-protocol
open() {
if (this.isActive()) {
logger.log(`Attempted to open WebSocket, but existing socket is ${this.getState()}`)
return false
} else {
logger.log(`Opening WebSocket, current state is ${this.getState()}, subprotocols: ${protocols}`)
if (this.webSocket) { this.uninstallEventHandlers() }
this.webSocket = new adapters.WebSocket(this.consumer.url, protocols)
this.webSocket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"
return true
isProtocolSupported() {
return supportedProtocols[0] == this.getProtocol()
send(data) {
if (this.isOpen()) {
const encoded = msgpack.encode(data);
return true
} else {
return false
// Incoming messages are handled by the function.
// There is no way to patch it, so, we have to copy-paste :(
const connectionEventsExtension = {
message(event) {
if (!this.isProtocolSupported()) { return }
const {identifier, message, reason, reconnect, type} = msgpack.decode(new Uint8Array(
switch (type) {
case message_types.welcome:
return this.subscriptions.reload()
case message_types.disconnect:
logger.log(`Disconnecting. Reason: ${reason}`)
return this.close({allowReconnect: reconnect})
return this.monitor.recordPing()
case message_types.confirmation:
return this.subscriptions.notify(identifier, "connected")
case message_types.rejection:
return this.subscriptions.reject(identifier)
return this.subscriptions.notify(identifier, "received", message)
See the demo of using Msgpack in a Rails project with AnyCable Rack server.
We squeeze a bit more space by using Protocol Buffers. AnyCable uses the following schema:
syntax = "proto3";
package action_cable;
enum Type {
no_type = 0;
welcome = 1;
disconnect = 2;
ping = 3;
confirm_subscription = 4;
reject_subscription = 5;
confirm_history = 6;
reject_history = 7;
enum Command {
unknown_command = 0;
subscribe = 1;
unsubscribe = 2;
message = 3;
history = 4;
pong = 5;
message StreamHistoryRequest {
string epoch = 2;
int64 offset = 3;
message HistoryRequest {
int64 since = 1;
map<string, StreamHistoryRequest> streams = 2;
message Message {
Type type = 1;
Command command = 2;
string identifier = 3;
// Data is a JSON encoded string.
// This is by Action Cable protocol design.
string data = 4;
// Message has no structure.
// We use Msgpack to encode/decode it.
bytes message = 5;
string reason = 6;
bool reconnect = 7;
HistoryRequest history = 8;
message Reply {
Type type = 1;
string identifier = 2;
bytes message = 3;
string reason = 4;
bool reconnect = 5;
string stream_id = 6;
string epoch = 7;
int64 offset = 8;
string sid = 9;
bool restored = 10;
repeated string restored_ids = 11;
When using the standard Action Cable protocol (v1), both incoming and outgoing messages are encoded as action_cable.Message
type. When using the extended version, incoming messages are encoded as action_cable.Reply
Note that Message.message
field and Reply.message
have the bytes
type. This field carries the information sent from a server to clients, which could be of any form. We Msgpack to encode/decode this data. Thus, AnyCable Protobuf protocol is actually a mix of Protobufs and Msgpack.
Using Protobuf with AnyCable JS client
AnyCable JavaScript client supports Protobuf encoding out-of-the-box:
// cable.js
import { createCable } from '@anycable/web'
import { ProtobufEncoder } from '@anycable/protobuf-encoder'
export default createCable({protocol: 'actioncable-v1-protobuf', encoder: new ProtobufEncoder()})
See the demo of using Protobuf encoder in a Rails project with AnyCable JS client.
To use Protobuf with the extended Action Cable protocol, use the following configuration:
// cable.js
import { createCable } from '@anycable/web'
import { ProtobufEncoderV2 } from '@anycable/protobuf-encoder'
export default createCable({protocol: 'actioncable-v1-ext-protobuf', encoder: new ProtobufEncoderV2()})
Formats comparison
Here is the in/out traffic comparison:
Encoder | Sent | Rcvd |
protobuf | 315.32MB | 327.1KB |
msgpack | 339.58MB | 473.6KB |
json | 502.45MB | 571.8KB |
The data above were captured while running a websocket-bench benchmark with the following parameters:
websocket-bench broadcast ws:// —server-type=actioncable —origin —sample-size 100 —step-size 1000 —total-steps 5 —steps-delay 2 —wait-broadcasts=5 —payload-padding=100
NOTE: The numbers above depend on the messages structure. Binary formats are more efficient for objects (JSON-like) and less efficient when you broadcast long strings (e.g., HTML fragments).
Here is the encode/decode speed comparison:
Encoder | Decode (ns/op) | Encode (ns/op) |
protobuf (base) | 425 | 1153 |
msgpack (base) | 676 | 1512 |
json (base) | 1386 | 1266 |
protobuf (long) | 479 | 2370 |
msgpack (long) | 763 | 2506 |
json (long) | 2457 | 2319 |
Where base payload is:
"command": "message",
"identifier": "{\"channel\":\"test_channel\",\"channelId\":\"23\"}",
"data": "hello world"
And the long one is:
"command": "message",
// x10 means repeat string 10 times
"identifier": "{\"channel\":\"test_channel..(x10)\",\"channelId\":\"123..(x10)\"}",
// message is the base message from above
"message": {
"command": "message",
"identifier": "{\"channel\":\"test_channel\",\"channelId\":\"23\"}",
"data": "hello world"