Upgrading from 1.1.x/1.2.x to 1.3.0

This document contains only the changes comparing to v1.1.x releases. For the new features see the release notes.

Upgrade process

You can upgrade Ruby gems and Go server in any order.


Max connection age for RPC

AnyCable now sets the max connection age for gRPC connections to 5 minutes by default. It's important to re-validate gRPC connections in case of DNS-based load balancing to react on formation changes (e.g., adding new RPC servers).

If you set ANYCABLE_RPC_SERVER_ARGS__MAX_CONNECTION_AGE_MS (or rpc_server_args.max_connection_age_ms) to 300000 (5 minutes), you can remove this setting. If you used a different value for max connection age, you can provide it via the new configuration parameter—rpc_max_connection_age (or ANYCABLE_RPC_MAX_CONNECTION_AGE). NOTE: The new parameter accepts seconds, not milliseconds.

Rails 7 reporter integration

The anycable-rails library now integrates with Rails 7+ error reporter interface automatically (since v1.3.6). If your error reporting software supports Rails built-in error reporting (e.g., Sentry does), you no longer need to configure AnyCable.capture_exception { ... } yourself.