Reliable streams and resumable sessions

Since v1.4, AnyCable allows you to enhance the consistency of your real-time data and go from at-most-once to at-least-once and even exactly-once delivery.

🎥 Learn more about the consistency pitfalls of Action Cable from The pitfalls of realtime-ification talk (RailsConf 2022).


The next-level delivery guarantees are achieved by introducing reliable streams. AnyCable keeps a hot cache * of the messages sent to the streams and allows clients to request the missed messages on re-connection.

In addition to reliable streams, AnyCable v1.4 also introduces resumable sessions. This feature allows clients to restore their state on re-connection and avoid re-authentication and re-subscription to channels.

* The "hot cache" here means that the cache is short-lived and is not intended to be used as a long-term storage. The primary purpose of this cache is to improve the reliability of the stream delivery for clients with unstable network connections.

Quick start

The easiest way to try the streams history feature is to use the broker preset for AnyCable-Go (named after the underlying component, Broker):

$ anycable-go --presets=broker

INFO 2023-04-14T00:31:55.548Z context=main Starting AnyCable 1.4.0-d8939df (with mruby 1.2.0 (2015-11-17)) (pid: 87410, open file limit: 122880, gomaxprocs: 8)
INFO 2023-04-14T00:31:55.548Z context=main Using in-memory broker (epoch: vRXl, history limit: 100, history ttl: 300s, sessions ttl: 300s)
INFO 2023-04-18T20:46:00.693Z context=pubsub Starting Redis pub/sub: localhost:6379
INFO 2023-04-19T16:22:55.776Z context=pubsub provider=http Accept broadcast requests at http://localhost:8090/_broadcast

Now, at the Ruby/Rails side, switch to the http or redisx broadcasting adapter (if you use Redis). For example, in config/anycable.yml:

default: &default
  # ...
  broadcast_adapter: http

Finally, at the client-side, you MUST use the AnyCable JS client and configure it to use the actioncable-v1-ext-json protocol:

import { createCable } from '@anycable/web'
// or for non-web projects
// import { createCable } from '@anycable/core'

export default createCable({protocol: 'actioncable-v1-ext-json'})

That's it! Now your clients will automatically catch-up with the missed messages and restore their state on re-connection.

Manual configuration

The broker preset is good for a quick start. Let's see how to configure the broker and other components manually.

First, you need to provide the --broker option with a broker adapter name:

$ anycable-go --broker=memory

INFO 2023-04-14T00:31:55.548Z context=main Starting AnyCable 1.4.0-d8939df (with mruby 1.2.0 (2015-11-17)) (pid: 87410, open file limit: 122880, gomaxprocs: 8)
INFO 2023-04-14T00:31:55.548Z context=main Using in-memory broker (epoch: vRXl, history limit: 100, history ttl: 300s, sessions ttl: 300s)

Then, you MUST configure a compatible broadcasting adapter (currently, http and redisx are available). For example, when using Redis:

$ anycable-go --broker=memory --broadcast_adapter=redisx

INFO 2023-07-04T02:00:24.386Z consumer=s2IbkM context=broadcast id=s2IbkM provider=redisx stream=__anycable__ Starting Redis broadcaster at localhost:6379

See broadcasting documentation for more information.

Finally, to re-transmit registered messages within a cluster, you MUST also configure a pub/sub adapter (via the --pubsub option). The command will look as follows:

$ anycable-go --broker=memory --broadcast_adapter=redisx --pubsub=redis

INFO 2023-07-04T02:02:10.548Z context=main Starting AnyCable 1.4.0-d8939df (with mruby 1.2.0 (2015-11-17)) (pid: 87410, open file limit: 122880, gomaxprocs: 8)
INFO 2023-07-04T02:02:10.548Z context=main Using in-memory broker (epoch: vRXl, history limit: 100, history ttl: 300s, sessions ttl: 300s)
INFO 2023-07-04T02:02:10.586Z consumer=s2IbkM context=broadcast id=s2IbkM provider=redisx stream=__anycable__ Starting Redis broadcaster at localhost:6379
INFO 2023-07-04T02:02:10.710Z context=pubsub Starting Redis pub/sub: localhost:6379

See Pub/Sub documentation for available options.

Cache settings

There are several configuration options to control how to store messages and sessions:

  • --history_limit: Max number of messages to keep in the stream's history. Default: 100.
  • --history_ttl: Max time to keep messages in the stream's history. Default: 300s.
  • --sessions_ttl: Max time to keep sessions in the cache. Default: 300s.

Currently, the configuration is global. We plan to add support for granular (per-stream) settings in the following releases.

Resumed sessions vs. disconnect callbacks

AnyCable WebSocket server notifies a main application about the client disconnection via the Disconnect RPC call (which translates into Connection#disconnect and Channel#unsubscribed calls in Rails). Currently, when the client's session is restored, no callbacks are invoked in the main application. Keep this limitation in mind when designing your business logic (i.e., if you rely on connect/disconnect callbacks, you should consider disabling sessions cache by setting sessions_ttl to 0).

NOTE: We consider introducing a new RPC method, Restore, along with the corresponding Ruby-side callbacks (Connection#restored and Channel#resubscribed) to handle this situation. Feel free to join the discussion and share your thoughts!

Cache backends


The default broker adapter. It stores all data in memory. It can be used only for single node installations.

IMPORTANT: Since the data is stored in memory, it's getting lost during restarts.

NOTE: Storing data in memory may result into the increased RAM usage of an AnyCable-Go process.


🧪 This adapter is currently in the experimental stage. Please, report any issues you may encounter.

This adapter uses NATS JetStream as a shared distributed storage for sessions and streams cache and also keeps a local snapshot in memory (using the in-memory adapter described above).


$ anycable-go --broker=nats --nats_servers=nats://localhost:4222

  INFO 2023-10-28T00:57:53.937Z context=main Starting AnyCable 1.4.6-c31c153 (with mruby 1.2.0 (2015-11-17)) (pid: 29874, open file limit: 122880, gomaxprocs: 8)
  INFO 2023-10-28T00:57:53.937Z context=main Starting NATS broker: nats://localhost:4222 (history limit: 100, history ttl: 300s, sessions ttl: 300s)

NOTE: You MUST have JetStream enabled in your NATS server. See NATS JetStream documentation for more information.

Using with embedded NATS

Embedded NATS automatically enables JetStream if the NATS broker is being used:

$ anycable-go --embed_nats --broker=nats

  INFO 2023-10-28T00:59:01.177Z context=main Starting AnyCable 1.4.6-c31c153 (with mruby 1.2.0 (2015-11-17)) (pid: 30693, open file limit: 122880, gomaxprocs: 8)
  INFO 2023-10-28T00:59:01.177Z context=main Starting NATS broker: nats:// (history limit: 100, history ttl: 300s, sessions ttl: 300s)
  INFO 2023-10-28T00:59:01.205Z context=main Embedded NATS server started: nats://

IMPORTANT: Your multi-node cluster MUST have at least 3 nodes to use NATS JetStream. Super-cluster mode hasn't been tested yet.


AnyCable-Go Pro comes with a Redis-based broker adapter. It stores all data in Redis and, thus, can be used in multi-node installations.

To use Redis broker, you need to provide the --broker option with the redis adapter name:

$ anycable-go --broker=redis

 INFO 2023-07-08T00:46:55.491Z context=main Starting AnyCable 1.4.0-pro-eed05bc (with mruby 1.2.0 (2015-11-17)) (pid: 78585, open file limit: 122880, gomaxprocs: 8, netpoll: true)
 INFO 2023-07-08T00:46:55.492Z context=main Using Redis broker at localhost:6379 (history limit: 100, history ttl: 300s, sessions ttl: 300s)

When you use the broker preset with AnyCable-Go, it automatically configures the Redis broker (if Redis credentials are configured).

Streams history expiration

We use Redis Streams to store messages history. Redis doesn't support expiring individual messages in a stream, so we expire the whole stream instead. In other words, the --history_ttl option controls the expiration of the whole stream.

Further reading

For in-depth information about the feature and its internals, see the following articles: