
AnyCable supports multiple ways of publishing messages from your backend to connected clients: HTTP API, Redis and NATS-backed.

AnyCable Ruby provides a universal API to publish broadcast messages from your Ruby/Rails applications independently of which underlying technology you would like to use. All you need is to pick and configure an adapter.

Learn more about different broadcasting options and when to prefer one over another in the AnyCable broadcasting documentation.


By default, AnyCable uses Redis Pub/Sub adapter (redis). Use the broadcast_adapter (ANYCABLE_BROADCAST_ADAPTER) configuration parameter to use another one.


Enable via broadcast_adapter: http in anycable.yml or ANYCABLE_BROADCAST_ADAPTER=http.

The following configuration options are available:

  • http_broadcast_url (ANYCABLE_HTTP_BROADCAST_URL)

    Specify AnyCable HTTP broadcasting endpoint. Defaults to http://localhost:8090/_broadcast.

If your HTTP broadcasting endpoint is secured, use the broadcast_key option to provide the key or the application secret (secret) to auto-generate it (the configuration MUST match your AnyCable server configuration).

Redis Pub/Sub

Enable via broadcast_adapter: redis in anycable.yml or ANYCABLE_BROADCAST_ADAPTER=redis.

NOTE: To use Redis adapters, you MUST add the redis gem to your Gemfile yourself.

The following configuration options are available:


    Redis connection URL (MAY include auth credentials) (default: "redis://localhost:6379").

  • redis_channel (ANYCABLE_REDIS_CHANNEL)

    Redis channel used for broadcasting (default: "__anycable__").

  • redis_tls_verify (ANYCABLE_REDIS_TLS_VERIFY)

    Whether to validate Redis server TLS certificate if rediss:// protocol is used (default: false).

  • redis_tls_client_cert_path (ANYCABLE_REDIS_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_PATH, --redis-tls-client_cert-path)

    Path to the file with a client TLS certificate in PEM format if the Redis server requires client authentication.

  • redis_tls_client_key_path (ANYCABLE_REDIS_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PATH)

    Path to the file with a private key for the client TLS certificate if the Redis server requires client authentication.

NOTE: Redis broadcast adapter uses a single connection to Redis.

Redis Sentinel support

AnyCable could be used with Redis Sentinel out-of-the-box. For that, you should configure it the following way:

  • redis_url MUST contain a master name (e.g., ANYCABLE_REDIS_URL=redis://mymaster)
  • redis_sentinels MUST contain a comma separated list of sentinel hosts (e.g., ANYCABLE_REDIS_SENTINELS=my.redis.sentinel.first:26380,my.redis.sentinel.second:26380).

If your sentinels are protected with passwords, use the following format: :password1@my.redis.sentinel.first:26380,:password2@my.redis.sentinel.second:26380.

See the demo of using Redis with Sentinels in a local Docker dev environment.

Redis Streams

Enable via broadcast_adapter: redisx in anycable.yml or ANYCABLE_BROADCAST_ADAPTER=redisx.

Redis Streams broadcaster shares configuration settings with Redis Pub/Sub (see above). The redis_channel value used as the name of the Redis Stream to publish broadcasts to.

NATS Pub/Sub

Enable via broadcast_adapter: nats in anycable.yml or ANYCABLE_BROADCAST_ADAPTER=nats.

NOTE: Make sure you added nats-pure gem to your Gemfile.

The following configuration options are available:

  • nats_servers (ANYCABLE_NATS_SERVERS, --nats-servers)

    A comma-separated list of NATS server addresses (default: "nats://localhost:4222").

  • nats_channel (ANYCABLE_NATS_CHANNEL, --redis-channel)

    NATS pus/sub channel for broadcasting (default: "__anycable__").

With embedded NATS feature of AnyCable, you can minimize the number of required components to deploy an AnyCable-backed application.

Broadcasting API

To publish a message to a stream via AnyCable, you can use the following API:

AnyCable.broadcast("my_stream", {text: "hoi"})

# or directly via the singleton broadcast adapter instance
AnyCable.broadcast_adapter.broadcast("my_stream", {text: "hoi"})


AnyCable-Go v1.4.5+ supports publishing broadcast messages in batches. This is especially useful if you want to guarantee the order of delivered messages to clients (to be the same as the broadcasts order). To batch-broadcast messages, wrap your code with the .batching method of the broadcast adapter:

AnyCable.broadcast_adapter.batching do
  AnyCable.broadcast("my_stream", {text: "hoi"})
  AnyCable.broadcast("my_stream", {text: "wereld"})
end #=> the actual publishing happens as we exit the block

The .batching method supports nesting, if you need to broadcast some messages immediately:

AnyCable.broadcast_adapter.batching do
  AnyCable.broadcast("my_stream", {text: "hoi"}) # added to the current batch

  AnyCable.broadcast_adapter.batching(false) do
    AnyCable.broadcast("another_stream", {text: "some other story"}) #=> publish immediately

    AnyCable.broadcast_adapter.batching do
      AnyCable.broadcast("my_stream", {text: "wereld"}) # added to the current batch
end #=> the current batch is published

Broadcast options

AnyCable v1.4.5+ supports additional broadcast options. You can pass them as the third argument to the AnyCable.broadcast method:

AnyCable.broadcast("my_stream", {text: "hoi"}, {exclude_socket: "some-socket-id"})

The following options are supported:

  • exclude_socket: pass an AnyCable socket ID to exclude it from the broadcast recipients list. Useful if you want to broadcast to all clients except the one that initiated the broadcast.