Health checking

AnyCable Ruby gRPC server comes with two types of health checks: HTTP and gRPC.


You can run a health check server along with the RPC server by specifying the http_health_port:

# via CLI options
$ bundle exec anycable --http-health-port=54321
#> ...
#> HTTP health server is listening on localhost:54321 and mounted at "/health"

# or via env
$ ANYCABLE_HTTP_HEALTH_PORT=54321 bundle exec anycable

You can also specify the mount path:

$ bundle exec anycable --http-health-port=54321 --http-health-path="/check"
#> ...
#> HTTP health server is listening on localhost:54321 and mounted at "/check"

The health check server responds with 200 when the gRPC server is running and with 503 when it isn't.

HTTP health check server can be used for readiness and liveness checks (e.g., in Kubernetes environment).


AnyCable includes a standard gRPC health checker (v1). See official documentation.

Please, use the anycable.RPC service name for a health check (responds with SERVING). Omitting a service name would result in NOT_SERVING response.