Upgrading from 0.6.x to 1.0.0

This document contains only the changes comparing to v0.6.x releases. For the new features see the release notes.

Upgrade process

Since AnyCable-Go v1.0 is backward-compatible with Ruby gems of 0.6.x series, we recommend the following upgrade process:

  1. Upgrade AnyCable-Go.
  2. Upgrade Ruby gems.



Ruby 2.5+ is required.

AnyCable-Go 1.0+ is required.

Default RPC server host changed

We used [::]:50051 by default which could be harmful (see #71).

Now AnyCable RPC uses a loopback interface as the default (

Session access hacks are not required anymore

Rails session object in Action Cable connection is supported out-of-the-box. No additional hacking is needed.

Use AnyCable Rack middleware to support env["warden"]

For example, for Devise all you need is to add the following configuration:

AnyCable::Rails::Rack.middleware.use Warden::Manager do |config|
  Devise.warden_config = config

See also Authentication.


Default host changed

The default value for HTTP server host has changed from to localhost.

If you want to continue using, configure your server explicitly:

$ anycable-go --host=

# or via env vars
$ ANYCABLE_HOST= anycable-go

Docker images versioning

Docker images versioning changed from vX.Y.Z to X.Y.Z. Now you can specify only the part of the version, e.g. anycable-go:1.0 instead of the full anycable-go:v1.0.0.