Upgrading from 1.0.x to 1.1.0

This document contains only the changes comparing to v1.0.x releases. For the new features see the release notes.

Upgrade process

You can upgrade Ruby gems and Go server in any order.



Ruby 2.6+ is required.

Rails 6.0+ is required.

Anyway Config 2.1+ is required.

RPC middlewares API change

Middlewares are no longer inherited from gRPC interceptors.

That allowed us to have real middlewares with ability to modify responses, intercept exceptions, etc. The API changed a bit:

 class SomeMiddleware < AnyCable::Middleware
-  def call(request, rpc_call, rpc_handler)
+  def call(rpc_method_name, request, metadata)

See built-in middlewares, for example.


Configuration changes

Renamed metrics_log_interval to metrics_rotate_interval. The older name is deprecated and will be removed in the next major/minor release.